Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Calico kitten found at Bacardi and Lubbuck

Our neighbor, Laurel, sent us this message:  We found a kitten in our garage on the night of Saturday, Nov.17th. We live on the corner of Bacardi Drive and Lubbock. It appears to be 4-5 mos. old and we think it is a girl, be we are unsure. The kitten was hungry and trying to get out of the cold. She is VERY friendly and loves to be held, comes when called, and when allowed to leave the garage she doesn't travel very far. This make us believe that it is someone's lost pet. We are hoping that you can help us find it's owner, or someone who can adopt it because we are unable to adopt it ourselves.
Breed: Calico; Mostly grey with mottled peach coming through in places, Peach marking above face, short hair coat
Age/sex/weight: 4-5 mos? We think it is a female/ 2lbs?
Spayed or neutered: unknown
Shots: unknown, we have not sought any medical care
Live inside or outside: Outside (in garage); when we let it out of garage, stays near the house
Litter box trained: unknown
Personality description: VERY friendly, purrs alot, loves to be held and lay on your lap, comes running when you call it, loves to rub up on legs, very sweet, curiously plays with objects like a kitten
Behavioral problems: None at all

Please let us know if you need any further information from us. Please call if you have any information on this kitten, or are interesting in fostering/adopting - Laurel  at 214-927-6202.